Public Organization UKRAINIAN LIME INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (ULIA) was established in December, 2011. The initiators of the creation of the association were representatives of Ukrainian enterprises, which are engaged in limestone mining, produce lime, provide services in the field of study and use of natural resources.
The purpose of ULIA’s activities is to promote the formation in Ukraine of a powerful competitive industry for the extraction of carbonate raw materials, its processing and production of end products, helping its members and all the participants of the domestic market of lime products to establish effective interaction and cooperation between themselves.

Information products
Information products allowing tracing the dynamics, to understand the development trends of the lime and limestone markets deeply, have been developed.

EVENT activities
The conferences and round tables holding by ULIA received the status of traditional ones and their representative status increases every time.

ILA. Participation in the International Lime Association
Each year ILA gives its participants an opportunity to tell about the industry state in their country and to get acquainted with the experience of foreign colleagues.

Consulting services
In order to provide the highest quality services, ULIA engages its own specialists and relevant divisions of certified partner companies.

Business tourism
ULIA has experience of close communication and contacts with such major companies as Lhoist, Nordkalk, Carmeus and others.