ULIA presents researches of consumers and suppliers of a limestone for January-April, 2020 (railway deliveries). TOP-9 suppliers and consumers of a limestone.
The Ukrainian lime industry association presents the analysis of supply of limestone by the railroad for the first three months of 2020. Following the results of a research was primary branches of consumption of a limestone, consumers and suppliers, their interrelation, division of the market.
After some restoration of deliveries in March, April, 2020 caused a stir in strong reduction of consumption of calcareous products. The main prerequisite – significant reduction of consumption of most the enterprises of the metallurgical industry. By results of a research, in January-April, 2020 limestone supply by the railroad made 3.1 million tons that there is less indicator of last year on – 10%. At the same time in April, 2020 limestone supply by the railroad made 0.64 million tons that there is less March indicator on – 28%, and less indicator of April of previous year on – 32%.

Distribution of shipments in a section of areas has some deviations by last year: Significantly the leader’s share – Donetsk region decreased, but, deliveries of the Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi and Dnipropetrovsk regions grew. The first three among areas with an essential separation is occupied Donetsk, by the Ternopil and Khmelnytskyi regions (together 89%).
Among areas of consumption the Dnipropetrovsk region (40%) continues to be in the lead. Together areas TOP-3 (Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia) consume the railroad in January-April 88% of limestone.

The enterprises of a metallurgical complex are the main consumers of limestone the railroad, as well as in general in the market.
The enterprises of the cement industry and producers of lime own also significant share. Changes in dynamics of supply of limestone are set by the metallurgical industry – on it recession was – 8%. Also significant recession is observed on producers of lime, sucrosewaters, producers of building materials.
In January-April, 2020 the free market made 59% that there is significantly less indicator of last year. Respectively, recession of railway deliveries was provided by deliveries of the free market (-22%), but, captive deliveries grew (17%).
The market of suppliers of limestone the railroad is characterized by high concentration, TOP-9 the manufacturing companies in January-April, 2020 made 96%.
Most of large producers in January-April reduced deliveries in comparison with last year. On top three: NTRU reduced deliveries to 11% (at the same time the share decreased a little too), the group of the ODS reduced deliveries to 4%. The Ternopil carat “ER reduced deliveries on – 11%, but the share in the market remained at the same level. In April most of suppliers showed a sharp slowdown in comparison with March, including leaders: NTRU reduced deliveries to 30%, group of the ODS by 43%.
The market of consumers also differs in high concentration: In January-April, 2020 TOP-9 the companies made 90% of railway deliveries. In comparison with 2019, for this period growth showed most of large consumers, recession is observed only in AMKR. However, actually, in April, in comparison with March, all large consumers of limestone, including leaders (Ilyich’s MMK, AMKR), except Zaporozhstal reduced deliveries. The sharpest reduction of deliveries took place in Ilyich’s, Azovstal, MMK Haydelbergtсement Ukraine.

Content of a full research of consumers and suppliers of lime in Ukraine for January-February, 2020 (railway deliveries).
For those interested, the ULIA offers a complete research, which includes the following documents:
- report (.pdf format)
- database (Excel format) – contains complete information of consumers and suppliers of a lime for January-February 2020 (railway deliveries)
The report contains the following sections:
- Limestone supply by the railroad: General dynamics of monthly deliveries, thousand tons (2019-2020, January-April)
- Supply of limestone of the free market by the railroad: General dynamics of monthly deliveries, thousand tons (2019-2020, January-April)
- Fields of shipment and consumption of limestone, thousand tons (2019-2020, January-April)
- Branch cut of consumption of a calcareous stone, thousand tons (2019-2020, January-April)
- Distribution of the market of limestone, (2019-2020, January-April).
- Consumers: TOP-9, dynamics (2019-2020, January-April)
- Consumers of limestone: in details by the month, thousand tons (2020, January-April)
- Consumers of limestone: TOP-9 groups of companies (2019-2020, January-April)
- Main consumers of limestone of the free market (2019-2020, January-April)
- Consumers/Suppliers of limestone: TOP-9, dynamics (2018-2019, January-April)
- Suppliers of limestone: in details by the month, thousand tons (2020, January-April)
- Main suppliers of limestone: Dynamics of changes of monthly shares, (2020, January-April)
- Consumers/Suppliers of limestone: Main companies of the free market, loudspeaker (2019-2020, January-April)
- The industries of delivery on the main players (2019-2020, January-April)
- Conclusions.
If you are interested in obtaining full results of the research, please contact the following contacts:
Hladunenko Roman, CEO, ULIA
phone: +38 (050) 419-75-06
email: info@limeindustry.in.ua
mail: info@limeindustry.in.ua