Perspective scope of activities. The ULIA is developing a new direction – organizing visits to the world’s leading lime producers and limestone miners
Planned tasks of the direction:
- Acquaintance with advanced global experience in target markets (lime / limestone)
- Establishment of partnerships with leading world companies
- Promoting the development of domestic producers of target markets
A necessary prerequisite for the development of the direction of business tourism is an established partnership with representatives of global companies. The ULIA has experience in close communication and contacts with such major companies as Lhoist, Nordkalk, Carmeus and others, and SMA Mineral has been an associate member of the ULIA since 2015.
The first event in the framework of the development of business tourism services is the holding of a conference in Poland on the basis of the production units of Lhoist Polska, a branch of the world’s largest lime company Lhoist.